Booger McFarland: Internet Meme to the MNF Booth

The “Booger Mobile” on Monday Night Football

Today, former LSU and NFL star Booger McFarland has transitioned from the sideline “Booger Mobile” into the Monday Night Football booth per ESPN. But, it didn’t come without complaints from fans not being able to see past him in the front rows.

Many people called for him to be removed from the field. The MNF crew made adjustments by first putting a giant TV screen behind him, and then a clear glass screen later on.

Although this caused some fracture with fans at the games he covered, it didn’t come with out great memes of Booger traveling in his “Booger Mobile” from place to place.

This is the original posted:

nick on Twitter

omg what have i done

The tweet started a firestorm of hilarious places Booger may end up:

Motorcycle Eddo on Twitter

@nick_pants #RedDeadRedemption2

And just for some fun we did our own:

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